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Quiz Maker Tour: Print Quiz

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If you prefer hardcopy, you can print quizzes to test students in class.  Printable quizzes will be saved as a PDF file, which requires the Adobe Acrobat program for viewing and/or printing.  Click here to download the free Adobe Acrobat Reader if you don't already have it installed on your computer.

sample printed quiz (2 answer keys): Caring for Earth (132KB)

You can set the printing options to customize the printed output.
  • Number of Keys: Set the number of different printables (i.e. same questions and/or answer choices in different orders).  Such randomization can help discourage cheating.

  • Answer Key: Select the type of output format of answer keys.

  • Print Layout: Set the page orientation to either portrait or landscape.

  • Order of Questions: You can randomize the order in which the questions get displayed to reduce the chance of cheating.  This option is valid only when you choose to create multiple printables of the same quiz (see "number of keys").

  • Number of Questions: Select number of questions of each question type you want to include on the quiz.  The default setting is to include all questions.

  • Grouping of Different Question Types: You can group questions of the same type together and set the order of question types.  

  • Vocabulary Options: For vocabulary quizzes or questions, you can choose whether you want to include the list of words on the quiz.

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