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Quiz Maker Tour: Questions

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You can either add your own questions or import questions from an external file.  Your quizzes can contain different types of questions, including multiple choice, fill-in, true/false, long essay or short answer, and ordering.  You can also spell check a quiz before printing or posting it to your class webpage.

The Questions tab contains the following options:

  • Quiz Info: You can edit existing quiz information.

  • Edit Questions: You can create quizzes and tests with multiple choice, fill-in, true/false, long essay or short answer, and ordering questions.  

    Add a question: When you add a new question, you can determine its placement by adding the question before a previously entered question, after a previously entered question, or at the end of the quiz.

    To add a question, select the question type and enter the question and answer in the appropriate fields.  You can choose to randomize the order of choices in multiple choice and true/false questions.  If not specified, points will be evenly distributed among all questions of a quiz.

    Edit a question: Select questions you want to edit via the Layout View, or use the Previous Question or Next Question links.  When done, click the Save Changes button to save your changes.

    Delete a question: Select questions you want to delete via the Layout View, or use the Previous Question or Next Question links.  Click the Delete This Question link to delete the selected question.

  • Import Questions: You can import questions from an external file such as a Word document.

    For example, you have a quiz for Caring for Earth that is saved as a Word document.  Your quiz has different types of questions, including fill-in, short answer, multiple choice, and true/false.

    Sample quiz that you want to import into edHelper Quiz Maker:

    If your file follows a certain format (e.g. the correct answer is always after the text "ANSWER:"), you can specify such to ensure the data are properly imported.  More information on import format requirements.  Click the Show Options link to customize your import options.

    After you set the import options, simply copy and paste the content of the document into the provided space, and click the Import Questions button to proceed with the import.

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